Sennheiser Antenna Mod
After modifying a few of my old Sennheiser G3 units with an SMA connector and seeing how well they performed, I decided to offer the mod to anybody who is interested. Open up new possibilities for remote antennae or just experience a boost in range a even with a standard SMA whip antenna. I modified mine for a few reasons, including:
1. Easier storage. I was bending the stock antenna to get it into cases. Now I just remove it and can store it seperately.
2. Boosted range. Even with a run-of-the-mill SMA whip, the range is better than the stock antenna.
3. Antenna options. Hooked up to a dipole or shark fin, you can get a ton more range. Good for car to car IFB monitoring and whenever else you can't be close enough for whips to suffice. I also like being able to use an articulated right angle whip for receivers on camera.
Click here for a recent post about how I incorporate G3s into my workflow.
I can modify any Sennheiser transmitter or receiver with this form factor, including G2/G3/G4, IEM receivers, and 2000 Series.
The price is $60 per transmitter or receiver plus shipping. SMA whips cut to size are also available for an extra fee. Contact me at for more info.